TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Document Archiving

The Document Archiving functionality provides users the ability to archive generated documents to the database and to search and retrieve them.

When printing documents from history, you have the option to retrieve archived copies instead of re-rendering from data in history tables. Transactions entered starting in build 16316 will include archived copies, but when they do not exist for transactions entered before this build, documents will be re-rendered using history data.

You can manage archived documents using the SM Manage Document Delivery function or the SM Manage Documents function.

Set-Up Information

In order to utilize the Document Archiving functionality, you must set the System Manager Business Rule to Enable Document Archiving to Yes. If you set the rule to No, the Archive settings in the application's business rules will have no effect.

Each application in which document archiving is available has an Archive section in its Business Rules:

  • Set the Use Archive business rule to Yes to archive documents, and allow you to reprint prior printed versions of that document. This also activates the Search Document feature.
  • For the Archive Watermark rule, enter the watermark text you would like to appear on the reprinted documents. This is only applicable if Use Archive is set to Yes.

In other words, if Use Archive is set to No, after users print an invoice, order, or check stub, they will not have the capability to reprint prior printed versions of documents, and the Search Document feature will be unavailable. There are still functions that allow users to reprint a document using data from the history files.

If the document was printed online or using batching with the new document archiving feature enabled, the Business Rule Archive Watermark text will print. If the document was printed before build 16316, or if the Use Archive option is set to No, the Watermark Text for Reprinted Orders/Invoices will print.


If Use Archive is set to No, after printing an invoice, order, or check stub, or POS receipt, users will not have the capability to reprint prior printed versions of documents and the Search Document feature will not be available. There are functions that allow users to reprint a document using data from the history files. You must set the Use Archive business rule to Yes in order to reprint prior printed versions of that document.

The following applications include an option to define if you would like to use document archiving and the Archive Watermark feature.

  • Accounts Payable
  • Purchase Order
  • Accounts Receivable (Note: Sales Order and Service Director use the AR business rule)
  • Point of Sale
  • Project Costing
  • Payroll
